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Physical principles of food preservation /

By: Karel, Marcus.
Contributor(s): Lund, Daryl B.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Food science and technology no. 129.Publisher: New York : Dekker, c2003Edition: 2a. ed. rev. y exp.Description: xxii, 603 p. : il. ; 24 cm.ISBN: 0824740637.Subject(s): QUIMICA FISICA | CONCENTRACION[PROCESO] | EVAPORACION | ENVASADO DE ALIMENTOS | ENFRIAMIENTO | ULTRASONIDOS | IRRADIACION | SECADO | CALENTAMIENTO | CONGELACION | DESHIDRATACION | PROCESAMIENTO DE ALIMENTOS | ALMACENAMIENTO DE ALIMENTOS | CONSERVACION DE ALIMENTOSOther classification: K171
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Biblioteca Sede Ingeniería Quimica
664.8/.9, K171 (Browse shelf) Available 31959

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