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Bioreaction engineering

By: Schügerl, Karl.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Chichester : Wiley and Sons, 1987-1991Description: v. : il., diagrs., fotos, gráfs., tablas ; 23,5 cm.ISBN: 0471925934 (v.2); 047191309X (v.1).Subject(s): TERMODINAMICA | CELULAS | MICROORGANISMOS | BIOTECNOLOGIA | BIORREACTORES | REACCIONES QUIMICAS | INGENIERIA BIOQUIMICAOther classification: S385
Incomplete contents:
La Biblioteca posee: v.1: Reactions insolving microorganisms and cells.- v.2: Characteristic features of bioreactors.-
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Libros de Estante de Entrada Libros de Estante de Entrada Biblioteca Sede Ingeniería Quimica
Biblioteca Sede Ingeniería Quimica
66.0, S385 (Browse shelf) Available P25600

La Biblioteca posee: v.1: Reactions insolving microorganisms and cells.- v.2: Characteristic features of bioreactors.-

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