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A treatise on the theory of determinants / by Muir, Thomas Publication: New York : Dover, 1960 . 766 p. Date: 1960 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central [512.83, M953] (2), Biblioteca Central [512.83, M953] (1),

Elements of projective geometry / by Cremona, Luigi Publication: New York : Dover, 1960 . xx, 302, 15 p. ; Date: 1960 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central [515, C916] (2),

Curso de geometría descriptiva : by Lasala Millaruelo, Jesús de Publication: Madrid : Saeta, 1960 . viii, 443 p. : Date: 1960 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central [515, L338] (2),

Mathematical programming / by Vajda, S. Publication: Reading, Massachusetts ; | Palo Alto ; | London : Addison-Wesley, 1961 . ix, 310 p. : Date: 1961 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central [512.2, V133] (1),

Linear groups with an exposition of the Galois field theory / by Dickson, Leonard Eugene Publication: New York : Dover, 1958 . xvi, 312, 15 p. ; Date: 1958 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central [512.43, D554] (1),

Vector analysis with and introduction to tensor analysis / by Wills, Albert P. Publication: New York : Dover, 1958 . xxxii, 285, 15 p. Date: 1958 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central [512.94, W741] (1),

Geometría descriptiva / by Haussner, Robert Publication: Barcelona : Labor, 1942 . 365 p. ; Date: 1942 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central [515, H377] (2),

Nociones de geometría analítica / by Iribas de Miguel, Jesús Publication: Madrid : [s. e.], . 532 p. ; Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central [516, I68] (1),

Geometría analítica / by Lehmann, Charles H. Publication: México : UTEHA, 1965 . xiv, 494 p. : , Título original "Analytic geometry", publicada originalmente por John Wiley & Sons. | Incluye ejercicios, soluciones a ejercicios y apéndices con resúmenes de fórmulas, definiciones, teoremas, alfabeto griego y tablas. 23 cm. Date: 1965 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central [514.12, L523] (1),

Spherical trigonometry for the use of colleges and schools / by Todhunter, I. Publication: London : | New York : Macmillan ; | St. Martin's, 1960 . xii, 275 p. ; Date: 1960 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central [514.6, T638] (1),

Cáculo vectorial intrínseco / by Mataix Aracil, Carlos Publication: Madrid : Dossat, 1959 . 145 p. Date: 1959 Availability: No items available: Damaged (1),

Problems in descriptive geometry / by Arustamov, J. A. Publication: Moscow : Mir, 1972 . 407 p. ; Date: 1972 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central [515, A793] (1),

Analytic geometry and calculus / by Gay, Harold J. Publication: New York ; | Toronto ; | London : McGraw-Hill, 1950 . vii, 524 p. ; Date: 1950 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central [516, G285] (1),

Lecciones de geometría descriptiva. by Aparici, Rafael Publication: Madrid : Librería Gutenberg de José Ruiz, 1924 . 344 p. ; Date: 1924 Availability: No items available: Damaged (1),

Lecciones de geometría descriptiva. by Aparici, Rafael Publication: Buenos Aires : Nelson, 1945 . 344 p. ; Date: 1945 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central [515, A639] (1),

Lecciones de geometría descriptiva. by Aparici, Rafael Publication: Madrid : Ruiz Hermanos, 1931 . 344 p. ; Date: 1931 Availability: No items available: Damaged (1),

Lecciones de geometría descriptiva. by Aparici, Rafael Publication: Buenos Aires : Nelson, 1945 . 228 p. ; Date: 1945 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central [515, A639] (2),

Spherical trigonometry for the use of colleges and schools / by Todhunter, I. Publication: London : Macmillan, 1921 . ix, 275 p. ; Date: 1921 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central [514.6, T638] (1),

Sombras : by Pasman, Mario F. Publication: Buenos Aires : El Ateneo, 1947 . 190 p. ; Date: 1947 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central [515.7, P282] (1),

Lezioni di geometria descritiva. by Fano, Gino Publication: Torino : G. B. Paravia & C., 1925 . xix, 461 p. Date: 1925 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central [515, F214] (1),

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