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Algebraic equations : by Dehn, Peter Publication: New York : Dover, 1960 . xi, 208 p. Date: 1960 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central [512.2, D322] (2),

Aritmética y álgebra. by Alcántara, Lidia E. Publication: Buenos Aires : Ángel Estrada y Cía., 1955 . 393 p. : Date: 1955 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central [512, A347] (2),

Aritmética y álgebra. by Alcántara, Lidia E. Publication: Buenos Aires : Ángel Estrada y Cía., 1957 . 271 p. : Date: 1957 Availability: No items available: Damaged (2),

Fundamental structures of algebra / by Mostow, George Daniel Publication: New York ; Toronto ; London : McGraw Hill, 1963 . 585 p. : Date: 1963 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central [512, M916] (1),

Complementos de álgebra, elementos de geometría analítica y de momografía y ábacos / by López-Hermosa y Rodríguez de Rivera, Fernando Publication: Madrid : Publicaciones Ténicas de la Junta de Profesores de la Academia Soto Hidalgo, 1945 . 863 p. ; Date: 1945 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central [512, L864] (2),

Curso preliminar de análisis matemático / by Navarro Borras, Francisco Publication: Madrid : Stylos, 1944 . vi, 602 p. Date: 1944 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central [512, N332] (1),

Álgebra intermedia : by Howes, Vernon E. Publication: México ; Buenos Aires : Agencia para el Desarrollo Internacional (AID). Centro Regional de Ayuda Técnica, 1973 . 501 p. , Tít. orig.: Self teaching intermediate algebra Date: 1973 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central [512, H859] (1),

Matemáticas básicas / by Lunt, W. T. Publication: México ; | Buenos Aires : Agencia para el Desarrollo Internacional (AID). Centro Regional de Ayuda Técnica, 1973 . xi, 311 p. : , Tít. orig.: Basic mathematics for technical college students Date: 1973 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central [512, L964] (1),

Technical mathematics with calculus / by Placek, Ronald J. Publication: Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey : Prentice-Hell, 1968 . xiii, 530 p. ; Date: 1968 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central [512, P697] (1),

Aritmética y álgebra para segund oaño de los colegios nacionales y liceos de señoritas : by Médici, Héctor J. Publication: Buenos Aires : Librería del Colegio, 1940 . 156 p. : Date: 1940 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central [511.1, M489] (1),

Algèbre et analyse linéaires / by Lichnerowicz, André Publication: Paris : Masson & Cie, 1960 . 316 p: Date: 1960 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central [512+517, L698] (1),

Las 47 lecciones de álgebra de 4º año / by Anguita, Felipe Publication: Buenos Aires : Crespillo, 1941 . 218 p. Date: 1941 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central [512, A594] (1),

Algebraic number theory / by Weiss, Edwin Publication: New York : McGraw-Hill, 1963 . xii, 275 p. Date: 1963 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central [511.6, W429] (1),

Aritmética y álgebra : by Repetto, Celina Haydee Publication: Buenos Aires : Kapelusz, 1962 . 359 p. Date: 1962 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central [512, R425] (2),

Algebra : by Chrystal, George Publication: New York : Chelsea, 1964 . xi, 584 p. : Date: 1964 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central [512, C558] (1),

Algebra : by Chrystal, George Publication: New York : Chelsea, 1964 . xxiii, 628 p. : Date: 1964 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central [512, C558] (1),

Algebraic theories / by Dickson, Leonard Eugene Publication: New York : Dover, 1959 . ix, 276 p. , En la portada: "Formerly titled: Modern algebraic theories" Date: 1959 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central [512, D554] (2),

College algebra / by Palmer, Claude Irwin Publication: New York ; | London : McGraw Hill, 1937 . xvi, 467 p. : Date: 1937 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central [512, P173] (1),

Las 47 lecciones de álgebra de 3er año / by Anguita, Felipe Publication: Buenos Aires : Crespillo, . 209 p. : Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central [512, A594] (1),

Matemática para ingenieros. by Vera, Francisco Publication: Buenos Aires : Ediar, 1950 . 486 p : Date: 1950 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Central [51:62, V473] (2), Biblioteca Central [51:62, V473] (1),

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