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Digital computation and numerical methods / Raymond W. Southworth

By: Southworth, Raymond William, 1920-.
Contributor(s): Deleeuw, Samuel L.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: McGraw-Hill series in information processing and computers.Publisher: New York : McGraw-Hill, c1965Description: xiv, 508 p. : gráfs., tablas ; 23 cm.Subject(s): FORTRAN[LENGUAJE DE PROGRAMACION] | PROCESAMIENTO DE DATOS | ANALISIS NUMERICOOther classification: S728
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Depósito Depósito Biblioteca Central
Biblioteca Central
519.6, S728 (Browse shelf) Available 47677
Depósito Depósito Biblioteca Central
Biblioteca Central
519.6, S728 (Browse shelf) Available 46131

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