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Rail international

Contributor(s): International Railway Congress Association | International Union of Railways.
Material type: materialTypeLabelContinuing resourceAnalytics: Show analyticsPublisher: Brussels : International Railway Congress Association : International Union of Railways, 1970-Description: v.ISSN: 0020-8442.Subject(s): TECNOLOGIA FERROVIARIA | TRENES | LOCOMOTORAS | VAGONES DE FERROCARRIL | TRANSPORTE | TRAFICO FERROVIARIOHoldings note: 1971 2(1-3,5-12); 1972; 1973 4(1-2,4-7,9-12); 1974; 1975 6(1-3,6,8-12); 1976; 1981 12(1-6,10-11); 1983; 1986 17(1-7,10-12); 1993-2001; 2004 35(1-8,10)
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Recursos Continuos Recursos Continuos Biblioteca Central
Biblioteca Central
625.1/00/25 (Browse shelf) Available 50328

Números por volumen: 12. Volúmenes por año: 1.

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