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Journal of solar energy engineering

Contributor(s): American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Material type: materialTypeLabelContinuing resourceAnalytics: Show analyticsPublisher: New York : American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1980-Description: v.ISSN: 0199-6231.Subject(s): ENERGIA SOLAR | RECURSOS ENERGETICOS | ENERGIA [FISICA] | INGENIERIAHoldings note: 1980 102(2-4); 1981 103(2-4); 1982; 1984; 1986 108(1-2); 1987; 1993-2001; 2003-08; 2009 131(1-4); 2010 132(1-4); 2011 133(1-4); 2012 134(1-4)
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Números por volumen: 4. Volúmenes por año: 1.

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