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Encyclopedia of chemical technology. volume 8, ion exchange to metal plating / edited by Raymond E. Kirk, Donald F. Othmer ; assistent editors Janet D. Scott, Anthony Standen

Contributor(s): Kirk, Raymond E. (Raymond Eller), 1890-1957 [ed.] | Othmer, Donald F. (Donald Frederick), 1904-1995 [ed.].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: New York : Interscience Encyclopedia, c1952Description: xvi, 944 p. : il., fotos, gráfs., tablas ; 27 cm.Subject(s): ENCICLOPEDIAS | TECNOLOGIA QUIMICA | QUIMICAOther classification: K59
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Libros de Estante de Entrada Libros de Estante de Entrada Biblioteca Sede Las Heras
Biblioteca Sede Las Heras
030.1:66, K59 (Browse shelf) Available 46520

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